- Before placing order & completing payment read the seller description carefully about condition of the Goods and also check out the photos for reference.
- You have to send payment immediately after placing the order to secure the goods because it usually sell out really fast.
- These products will be ordered & shipped out from overseas so it will take time to arrive. Read the estimated arrival time in the description. It may take longer depending on conditions such as availability of flights etc. as everything is slow due to Pandemic.
- Pre-Luv goods are purchased from resellers abroad so there is no refund or cancellation once you place order. Our supplier/agent will examine the goods sent by seller to ensure that products are the same as described by seller, not defective or there’s no missing items etc.
- Prices listed according to the prices listed by sellers & adding international shipping cost + supplier service charges to it.
- We will list only Official goods for sale after doing thorough search about seller but Please refrain from buying Pre-luv goods if you’ve doubts regarding authenticity etc.
Note: Photos owned by seller
1 review for JungKook Official Premium Photos [Pre-Luv]