Note: Resellers strictly not allowed to Join Group Orders
Group Order (GO) Payment Details:
There are 3 payment steps for this Group Order. All payments are pre-payment or advance payment. There is NO cash on delivery for GOs.
- 1st Payment: You pay the item(s) cost (including 4.5% international transaction fee) + Service Fee
- 2nd Payment: International shipping charges based on the weight of the item(s)/shipment
- 3rd Payment-a: Any custom duties & taxes that incurs on shipment
- 3rd Payment-b: TCS Delivery Charges within Pakistan
Group Order (GO) Rules & Terms Of Service:
Please open this link and read the PGS Group Order procedure, Terms of Service & details thoroughly & carefully before joining the GO.
Please check out FAQs too before sending any inquires via DM or Email
FAQs :
3 reviews for [Weverse GO] BTS Festa D-day Calendar 2021